China open to foreigners with HIV

The Chinese government is ready to lift the ban on entry is from decades for people with HIV-positive foreigners. 

The ban may be lifted after China's cabinet on Monday decided to change the laws that prohibit foreigners with HIV in this country.
Currently, foreign guests were all mental disorders, infectious diseases like HIV or leper banned in China.
Although the ban plans are unclear, but could this change will be declared before the International Exhibition opened today in Shanghai 1 / 5, is expected to attract 4 million people to visit.
China - 740,000 people infected with the disease than a century - is one of more than 60 countries still ban people with HIV entering the country.
"The ban has since the 1980s due to lack of knowledge is now outdated and discriminatory nature. In addition, because cases of HIV / AIDS is present in all provinces of China, a ban should go with a foreigner will not help the public health, "He Xiong, deputy director of the center to prevent and control epidemics Beijing admits.

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