Cocktail therapy lowers the risk of HIV transmission

Results of the study, U.S. scientists announced today 26 / 5 said the cocktail therapy is often used in AIDS treatment can be effective to reduce significantly the risk of HIV transmission.
Scientists at the University of Washington and Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research of America has conducted research for the 3381 couples from seven African countries, in which each couple only one positive with HIV.

When starting the study, couples counseling on AIDS prevention knowledge simultaneously trained safety measures have sex.
In the course of the study, 349 subjects have been receiving therapy AIDS cocktail, another AIDS 3032 subjects received placebo therapy using drugs. These objects are spouses of AIDS patients was conducted blood tests every 3 months to determine if they have HIV or not.
Research shows that after two years, among those who are spouses of AIDS patients there to 103 people infected with HIV, but in which only one therapy is a cocktail reception.
That said, people are receiving AIDS cocktail therapy, the risk of infecting their spouses dropped about 92%.
Research results have provided the evidence is most convincing to date on the effects of the current cocktail therapy in lowering the risk of HIV transmission.

Cocktail therapy combined with more general use of antiretroviral drugs have helped to lower the concentration of virus in the blood of patients infected with HIV, thus lowering their ability to infect. /.

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