Find sources of attacks transfused with HIV in China

74 people have been infected with HIV / AIDS by blood transfusion sickened more than a decade ago at a hospital in Hubei Province, China, a local medical officials said.

Li overview, medical director of the city of Hubei University for Field, General Field Hospital No. 2 in 2003 revealed an HIV blood each sale.
Then, according to hospital records on people who sell blood and received blood before 1998 and knew that the seller has more than 20 blood and 73 blood transfusion recipients infected with this deadly virus.
Blood Donation Law takes effect on January 10/1998, banning the sale of the blood and require HIV testing for all blood types are provided.
Their patients through a cycle test result was positive for HIV at the end of last year, bringing the total number of people infected with the virus through blood transfusion up to 74 people.
Chu has accepted compensation from local authorities and hospitals worth 100,000 yuan ($ 14,644) and free medical treatment.
Most of the 74 patients infected with HIV by blood transfusion is a farmer from the town and surrounding areas Jinniu Foundation was Chau Giang Ha and Turkey. "There are no reported cases of new infection," Mr Li said.
Wednesday, Morning Post newspaper reported Wuhan, more than 80 patients were infected with HIV carry the virus through blood transfusion in the hospital. These patients then transmit the disease for about 20 family members.
The city government has suggested it had provided 20 million yuan for the treatment and compensation for victims.
In the '90s, people in town had sold blood at Jinniu HIV in other areas. Not aware of the danger, they continue to sell blood to this deadly virus when they return home.
The illegal blood selling was also blamed for causing many farmers infected with HIV in Henan Province in the mid 90s.

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