HIV attacks film sex

Officials of American medical institution has aimed at the porn industry with a turnover of billions of dollars of California, appearing after the information said there are 16 HIV cases since 2004 due to filming but not be disclosed.
The above information was revealed last week after a woman is tested positive for HIV shortly after filming sex involved, but raises new fears about the disease AIDS in film industry for adult.
Porn industry of California said it is the first HIV cases since 2004. But in fact, 22 actors porn industry has resulted in positive comments with HIV, of which only 6 cases were publicized as the most new infections and 5 cases in 2004.
Since 2004, when an actor then a multi-pass HIV to three female actors and other actors provide a "palace" of HIV, the adult film industry with revenues of U.S. $ 12 billion per year requested question actors should be tested for HIV regularly.
Most tests were due to the health care organization of industry sex act, where professional certification actors have negative test results if they want to practice.
Health officials in California worried that the filmmaker may not comply with guidelines set forth, which asked them to tighten security measures to prevent infection disease century.
Porn industry in America largely "red flag" in the suburban San Fernando area of Los Angeles with about 200 production companies, attracting actors 1200. Since 2004, actress 1357 have resulted positive for gonorrhea and 15 people for results positive for syphilis.

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