Nurse negligence, 150 children with HIV petitioners

HIV drug treatment is not absolute. Due to negligence of medical staff when using the needles are not sterilized, some countries have transmitted the HIV virus for many child patients. In our country: Let's never happened to this problem!
Nurse's negligence can cause incalculable consequences. Artwork. Source: Internet.
Children infected with HIV in hospitals in eastern Uzbekistan. At least 14 out of 147 HIV-infected children from hospitals in the city of Namangan (Uzbekistan) in 2007-2008 were fatal, according to Bakhtier Shodmonov, a court commissioner prosecution of this city.
"Failure to comply with the regulations on hygiene in hospitals and do not use measures against the infection while working in the hospital staff was responsible for making rules 147 children infected with HIV a pity, in that 14 children have died from this disease, "he said Shodmonov.
The hospital's staff had used the needles are not sterilized, and this has caused HIV to spread out a series of children in the region. With the initial investigation of the court, 12 medical staff at hospitals in the city of Namangan have plans to get 5 to 8 years in prison for their negligence.
In 2008, the court of the neighboring Kyrgyzstan were also three years of imprisonment for three of the country's doctors when their irresponsibility has caused 24 children infected with HIV.
Recently, 80 patients in the city of Daye (China) have also been found infected with HIV due to the irresponsibility of the medical staff for their blood. It is known that the city's hospitals to buy blood from people in four villages in the region, including blood taken from people who later discovered had been infected with HIV. Then, blood was transmitted to the patients need blood transfusion in this hospital without being verified.

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