True religion dark after the "Holy Women"True religion dark after the "Holy Women"

The Indians have an ancient tradition as their history so: girls in poor families to serve in the temple when the age regulations. Etiquette classes have created a "sex slave" under the authority of the clergy and clergy Ba-la-subject level. They call these girls with respect as "Holy Women." Born into the family of the lowest strata of society so fundamentally, the Church's inability to protect themselves. They must have many "sexual partners." They have no way to deny the request of men, can not expect your partner to use condoms. Indian man said he did not want to use condoms. The Indians have an ancient tradition as their history so: girls in poor families to serve in the temple when the age regulations. Etiquette classes have created a "sex slave" under the authority of the clergy and clergy Ba-la-subject level. They call these girls with respect as "Holy Women." Born into the family of the lowest strata of society so fundamentally, the Church's inability to protect themselves. They must have many "sexual partners." They have no way to deny the request of men, can not expect your partner to use condoms. Indian man said he did not want to use condoms.

Although in 1986 the girls become women in the Holy temple has been considered against the law but in the remaining 42 thousand women in Andhra Holy Dees, up to 40% were detected HIV positive. Themselves turned into animal sacrifice for the backwardness and ignorance, the phenomenon of "female" This shows efforts to prevent HIV in India, like South Africa, are confronted with the barriers to social and cultural.
According to statistics, the number of people infected with HIV in India has now surpassed 500 thousand, accounting for 0.5% of the population of this country. Report of the World Bank warned if India did not use condoms is a common way in 10 years the incidence of HIV will increase rapidly with speed of 300 thousand new people infected each year. The report also said, to 2033, HIV will become the cause of death leading to India.
If no remedial measures, predicts India will soon replace South Africa to become the country has more people infected with HIV in the world. Actual situation in the villages of Andhra region Dees in India are gradually expected to prove a reality.
A reporter was dispatched to Hyderabad, by Dan Wada village 100 miles south, and found 10 girls gathered in the temple of Goddess Jaaramaa. Among the girls, including 19 years with Xinagudi seem timid, wearing a blue sari and pretty face. She said that since 12 has decided to dedicate his life to the temple Jaaramaa. She said hesitantly: "The village children are respected. They asked them for their "practical", because they are women and children belonging to the Holy Goddess Jaaramaa. " She has also not sure at first fear. His father died young, sick mother, she had no other choice. She whispered: "Your mother with asthma, it is now very weak, certainly not be alive much longer. Maybe that's your fate. "

Wada village who knew Dan was St Xinagudi women should high-class men in the village and surrounding areas can provide money and food to find the door to her mother's permission and consent to make you love him of her daughter.
For your circumstances, is in intensive care Xinagudi thinking? She said of course she is tormented, but must accept the fact, because both families have to rely on her. She said: "Sometimes I ask why she let me do this? Why you can not have a normal marriage? But you can do anything, any man brave enough to take a person like me? ".
Traditionally, women still live with the Holy people as usual. Prior to the weakness of old age they will be transferred to serve in the temple. Then, like the cheeks wheat in Europe, the doyen of women would withdraw to behind the scenes and planning for the next generation of Church Women.

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