When injecting drug users sharing needles and syringes: short path leads to AIDS

Most people who are injecting drug users aged sexual activity strong, many of them engage in sexual activity purchase. This combination makes the risk of HIV infection increased the community.

To achieve the aim of reducing HIV infection rates among injecting drug users, and based intervention plan in accordance with practical conditions in Thanh Hoa province, with the assistance of project prevention HIV / AIDS of the World Bank, a study of the actual situation of HIV / AIDS among injecting drug developed. This study aims to assess the level of awareness, attitudes and risk behaviors of injecting drug users, and determine the rate of HIV / AIDS.
Reality shows, the average duration of drug use by injecting drug users is 5 years, 21 years is the longest and most robots in use. Very few of them had walked addiction, and if so, should be off to four times but still not successful. Work addiction is very difficult and also injecting drug users also face very high risk of HIV infection if not always practice safe behavior. There are 87% of injecting drug use is never used again by needle injections who have or recently completed, 10.7% still used again. This is partly due to injecting drug users had to manually put others of their needles and syringes were used.

Most injections are used to have sex, average age of the first relation is 20. Where have sex as early as 12 years old and no later than 32 years of age. Of which 73.1% had used condoms, but still to 16.1% never used condoms.

It is notable that nearly half of all injecting drug users from two or more sexual partners. There are individual cases from 10 to 18 sexual partners during the year, including people never used condoms during sex. Injecting drug users not to use condoms during sex with wives or lovers back many times higher, because they see no need and do not like. With prostitutes, they also have the sense to use a condom when having sex, but research shows that 0.1% of people still do not use. Although everyone claims that their risk of HIV infection because of injecting drug users without their own needles, or have multiple partners without using condoms during sex.

Most people are injecting drug users had heard of HIV / AIDS, but also people that HIV / AIDS is preventable and should not be exposed, should not eat with infected people. There are some still fondly believe that HIV can spread through mosquito bites.

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