Women with the disease a global century

Century HIV disease, AIDS is rampant all over the world wrong. Sadly than women infected with numerous diseases cured this way many times higher than men. Why? According to the World Health Organization in late 2007 the number of people infected with HIV and AIDS is 30.8 million of which over half are women. 98% of women that live in developing countries. HIV and AIDS are in danger of affecting women seriously by its vulnerable biologically and by the role of women in society.
In general, women have higher HIV risk than 2 times compared with men through sex is not safe. In some countries, women are less likely to persuade men to use condoms during sex, they were largely determined by the thoughts of men.

In addition, millions of women around the world also indirectly infected with HIV and AIDS. Woman's pregnancy and the risk of transmission from mother to child is very great. Or as HIV and AIDS centers, patient care responsibilities or orphans of HIV and AIDS are part of the female nurse, so the spread has a higher effect.
There have been several measures introduced to reduce the burden of disease in women, such as promoting the protection of human rights of women, strengthening education and awareness, encouraging the development of technology new, enhanced disease prevention for women.
Women, HIV and AIDS - the global picture
The rate of women living with HIV and AIDS pandemic is often not the same between the European region and the world. Western countries, Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Oceania women infected with HIV generally lower proportion than in Africa, the Sahara area access, the Caribbean.
Sub-Saharan Africa
In 1985, HIV prevalence among women and men in this area almost equal, but his later years, the percentage of women infected with HIV increased rapidly compared with men. In 2007, 8.3 million men around the area of HIV, while women are 12 million people, and this also increases the levels of several communities in recent years.

Is a sub-Saharan region of Africa, this is always located in the area red flag in the map of HIV and AIDS World Health Organization. Here, the annual number of women infected with HIV and AIDS is always higher than 2 times compared with men. The woman is not protected by any method when having sex.
This is a region where an increase in the number of women infected with HIV is truly alarming. The young women here have a high risk of infection for men and 2.5 times as well as sub-Saharan Africa, where women are not protected when having sex with men.
Commercial sex is considered a key road leading to the spread of HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean this. There are nearly 35% of prostitutes are infected with HIV here, and with a place where women do not know when or unprotected sex, then make sure the infection to others is very high, then the man ever "go girl" in this area back home and spread the infection to their wives is almost certain.


In Haiti, from 1985 to 1987: the number of women infected with HIV increased to 63% from 1999 to 2003: this percentage is 22%. Although the HIV infection rate for women increased less than in previous years but this is still a frightening figure for other areas of the world.
American States
According to incomplete statistics, in U.S. women infected with HIV in 2004 is 127.061 people, and early in 2008, this number had increased to 146.692 people.
72% of women in this way with HIV through sex is not safe, 28% of children are infected through injecting way as ...
In the Americas region in general and Latin America in particular, the proportion of women migrants is very high, accompanied by infectious diseases, including HIV and AIDS pandemic. Where the majority population of HIV through sex is not safe, including gay people also do not constitute a small proportion of HIV transmission in this region.
Estimated, in Asia to nearly 5 million people are living with HIV and AIDS, of which about 35% are women. HIV infection rate among women is also different countries and places most affected by India. Although most Asian countries are often the feudal country, a woman must keep the road a lot but spread is from husbands or their boyfriends. 90% of the women in Asia are infected with HIV by her husband having unsafe sex with a prostitute or drug injection.
In India, some 2.5 million people infected with HIV of whom 40% women, a poor economy and perceptions of women are limited barriers preventing measures against the infection HIV on women in particular and the community in general.

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