8 Frequently misunderstandings about HIV / AIDS

Although HIV / AIDS was discovered many years and often referred to on the media but so far many people have misconceptions about it.

HIV means exhaustion and sores
Actually, only those who have moved to a new phase of AIDS symptoms. HIV-infected people before this stage it looks no different than normal. If treated well, they remained strong and pushed back the time turned into AIDS. Many people infected with HIV was discovered ten years still live normally.
Do mosquitoes spread HIV
Many people think that carrying mosquitoes suck blood has HIV can transmit the virus while others burned. However, to date, no research or official sources confirmed that HIV can be transmitted ... mosquitoes.
Kissing can spread HIV to do? It depends on how and kiss in the mouth can not hurt. If deep kissing, tongue mucosa, mouth lesions are also possible through contact with infected blood carrying the virus. However, this risk is not high.
People with HIV should have separate glass dishes
HIV-infected people and others can share the dishes, glass bowls and other utensils. However, the common drinking cup was used without washing dishes should not even among ordinary people together.
In the case of HIV oral bleeding and filling up cups, others have re-used if damaged mouth and drink this cup right on the spot, they may have infected blood.
Oral sex and anal do not spread HIV
Actually, the sex is oral HIV transmission risk, by this virus in translation sex (semen, vaginal mucus), while lining the tongue, mouth, gums are very vulnerable , creating the entrance to the virus.
Anal sex are at risk of HIV transmission is very high. Anal capital was not born for this function should not have many Mucosal routes and very vulnerable, creates conditions for virus penetration. Higher risk if people put the penis into the anus of your partner is HIV positive.
Children born from mothers infected with HIV is likely
Not true. Even if no intervention, the risk of HIV infection of these kids are only 30-40%. If the mother is treated with antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy, this risk can be reduced to 10%, even lower. From mother to child HIV transmission from the fetal period (through cake vegetables), or the excess land (due to exposure in blood and genital tract), or after birth (through milk).
Two HIV-infected people "love" each other will not need condoms
There are many strains of HIV. In the doubles partner of HIV-infected people can be a strain of this, other people infected with other strains. The gloves will not make them more strains of HIV-infected other, making the body move more quickly into AIDS.
Also without a condom, sometimes you also begin to love each other sexually transmitted diseases such as hepatitis B, syphilis, gonorrhea ... They make the body immune system was quickly exhausted their more due to fight many diseases.
Douching after sex with HIV infection will not be afraid
There is no scientific basis to prove this. Even the douche still do not properly close the vagina dry, making HIV easier entry.
HIV window period will not be able to infect others
During the window, the new HIV penetrate the body should not be produced antibodies against it, so the new test does not detect. But the actual virus in the body, so they can pass it to others.


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