Gay sex - 'ticking time bomb' HIV

Homosexuality in gay groups have become AIDS transmission channels in major cities of Beijing, surpassing the heterosexual group relations and group drug use. > The risk of HIV transmission is very high gay
According to the Central Control and prevent diseases of urban Beijing, the rate of HIV transmission among MSM (men sex with men) had a strong boom in 2003, and became "one of largest emerging challenges "in efforts to control this dangerous disease.
Figures from China's Health Ministry said at the end of last year, the rate of HIV transmission in gay groups constitute 32.5% of total cases in this country, compared with the figure soared by 0.4% in 2005.
Dr. Ray Yip, director of programs at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has asked the Chinese gay people are responsible in preventing disease spread.
Dr, unsafe sex among gay men has contributed to rapidly growing number of people infected with HIV, because most of the gay have multiple partners, and not regularly use condoms.
"The MSM needs to participate in the prevention of this disease," Dr Yip said on Xinhua. The objective is safe sex, testing early and help those already infected with HIV.
Dr Yip said that social pressure has forced many people with HIV anonymously, and many people refuse to admit they are ill-century. "They need the public identity and get people to listen, understand," he said.
Relationships with men, sex workers, injecting drug users and blood donors were secretly heading at high risk of infection and is the biggest danger to others.
Dr Yip also said that those who carry the disease without knowing they have it is a dangerous team, and they need to find out.

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