Research breakthroughs in vaccines to prevent HIV / AIDS

After decades of research preparing a vaccine to prevent the disease HIV / AIDS, scientists in the world is entering the final stage towards a major step forward in this goal.
Speaking to reporters on 14 / 7 in Washington, people's allergies and infectious National (NIAID), said Anthony Fauci, clearly until a few years ago, scientists still do not thing Institutional successful vaccine against HIV / AIDS despite decades of research. They do not even find any signs to show work on the right track.

However, in recent years, scientists the world has witnessed two important events and changes create major breakthrough in vaccine research on HIV / AIDS.
The first event was in 2009, scientists have treated a vaccine trial for 16,000 people in Thailand and the very positive results. The second event was last week, NIAID has announced a research identified two types of antibodies in the blood of patients positive for HIV / AIDS which, when combined together, they may prevent virus this deadly penetrate the body to 90%.
Experimental work in Thailand and research scientists hope NIAID has opened up the world will soon succeed in vaccine research prepared century disease prevention is still no effective cure this .
According to Fauci Director, may in a few years, the world will have the vaccine on HIV / AIDS. He noted that during this waiting period, the most effective measures to prevent HIV / AIDS prevention is still active as safe sex, not using common needles, safe blood transfusion .. ..
According to the latest data on AIDS of the Organization of the United Nations (UNAIDS), at the end of 2008 the world has about 33.4 million people living with HIV / AIDS, including the area south of the Sahara has cases were highest (22.4 million), in South Asia and Southeast Asia is 3.8 million. Number of HIV / AIDS mortality in the same year as two million. /.

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