Detect antibodies against the virus that causes AIDS

According to research results published in the journal "Science," American scientists have discovered antibodies can protect the body against many types of virus that causes AIDS century.
Moreover, these antibodies can also be used to manufacture a vaccine against this deadly virus.
Dr. Gary Nabel of the National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases (NIAID), chairman of the study, said that two types of antibodies can be detected disable about 90% of all the different variations types of immunodeficiency virus which causes AIDS.

The team of Gary Nabel has discovered two antibodies in blood samples of patients infected with HIV, who were not sick though this virus in people.
Scientists have studied the immune system of patients on to discover why this person to control HIV better than other patients.
Using a new molecular device, the researchers have discovered the immune system cells called B cells, which produce the antibodies of this special.
In another experiment, they tried to cripple one of the antibodies in the process of disabling the virus, obtained a molecular images in a process called X-ray crystallography
According to Dr. Nable, can be observed with the antibody structure will facilitate scientists devised a vaccine treatment of disease.
According to the Office of the United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS), there are about 33 million people worldwide suffer from this serious disease and 25 million people have died since the epidemic began in the early raging raging 1980.
Present method is an effective treatment or vaccine for AIDS does, only drugs can help control the disease not to develop rapidly.
According to scientists, the virus is very difficult to destroy because it attacks the immune system cells in the human body and continuous variations.
September last year, scientists have reported great success with a vaccine to slow transmission speed of about 30% in trial volunteers in Thailand. However, testing still causing problems. /.

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