Arrest who submitted blood for HIV Obama

A man was arrested and sent to Barack Obama's staff is the President of the envelope containing HIV infected blood.
Saad Hussein, an Ethiopian refugee who is about 20 years old, also has sent many letters to government offices in Illinois a few weeks before the inauguration of President Obama, the court said.
There is an inner envelope is a letter written in blood and a broken instrument to participate in the general election of Obama Grant Park, Chicago. The law of evidence confirms that Hussein had told the FBI he had HIV and was badly cut his finger with a razor blade to write letters in red.
HAZMAT team was convened immediately after the envelope sent to Obama is opened. A few days after the first letter is sent to, Hussein also sent two additional letters again, an address delivered to the White House Chief of Rahm Emanuel.

Inside the court said there were two letters containing dried blood. Hussein, who is treating mental illness was arrested last month. When the document declared that accused him of deliberately sending letters with blood infected with HIV, with the intent to kill or injure someone.
But Hussein told the FBI agents, along with his brother serves as interpreter that he is an admirer of Obama and are for emergency help from the government, to record such documents.
He is detained in a prison in Chicago and has not been formally charged. A judge said that whether he should have enough sense to be put on trial or not but this has not been decided as yet find a suitable interpreter.
Spokesman of the U.S. Postal Department Supervisor said this was the first two letters have been sent blood infected with HIV through the evil of the U.S. mail system.

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