New HIV testing method

Scientists recently discovered a new technique to detect early HIV virus and monitored the development of AIDS without frozen plasma. The new method is suitable for developing countries, especially African countries.

According to the Organization of the United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS), nearly one third of HIV infections and AIDS deaths worldwide occur in sub-Saharan Africa countries. One of the reasons that people without access to HIV testing and treatment because the cost is expensive.
Scientist John Crump and his team, under Duke University recently completed tours lasted 10 months in the remote areas of Tanzania. They keep track of children that parents are infected with HIV, the virus needs to check regularly to determine progress to AIDS.
In their survey the researchers have discovered a new method was tested on dried blood analysis called DBS (Dried stands by Blood Spot), instead of analyzing the plasma samples frozen cold very difficult, because to take from the survey team to the central laboratory in Kilimanro, 350km apart.
They found a close correlation between plasma analysis results with DBS outcome analysis, which can be compared to the standard method. "This work may lay the foundation for a new technique for testing and monitoring disease progression in patients infected with HIV in the future." It was identified by Dr. John Bartlett, assistant director of Institute for Global Health under Duke University.
If in doubt when a child is HIV positive, HIV testing is needed as soon as possible, because the treatment must be long term (sometimes lifetime). When there are no conditions for HIV antibody testing under typical, it is necessary to apply other methods, including methods of DBS.
Check the virus is the best method for tracking disease progression in people infected with HIV, especially to make treatment guidelines for each period.


In remote areas of Tanzania, scientists have watched parents of children with HIV infection. Artwork. Source:
But in Tanzania want to check the HIV virus and blood samples of patients at the local level to move very far to go places with sufficient equipment. Plasma must be kept cold continuously during transport is a big challenge for them and is almost impossible. So no results more accurate.
Bartlett pointed out the low cost of this method and said: "Identifying with dried blood has many advantages compared to plasma cooling. Before introduction of the care plan and treatment of people HIV, still need further evaluation. But extensive research shows that DBS method is very promising approach. "

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