The average life expectancy of 42 Americans ranked the world

Center for Health Statistics of the U.S. National NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics) said that although the average life expectancy of Americans has grown strongly over the past century, but still pretty low heading, world ranked 42 gender.

Results from the analysis of statistics shows that in 1900, average life expectancy of Americans is 47.3 years old in 1950 is 68.2 years old in 1970 is 70.8 years old in 1990 is 75 , 4 years old in 2000 was to increase to 77 years and in 2004 was 77.9 years old. The average life expectancy of 77.9 years old American ranked 42 in the world, fell 11 spots from two decades ago.
Doctor Christopher Murray - Institute of Analysis and Evaluation of health at the University of Washington - that "something is contrary to the law of the richest countries in the world, spending more money for hard work people's health but not longevity in other countries. "
The NCHS report said people in the tiny Andorra in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain is the world's highest life expectancy, average age 83.5. Followed by Japan, Macau, San Marino and Singapore.
The countries where people have an average life expectancy is lowest in sub-Saharan Africa, regional rates of HIV / AIDS is highest in the world and usually occurs where famine and conflict . In this area, the life of the people of Clear-Dirty-Ireland is the world's lowest, averaging 34.1 years of age, followed by Zambia, Angola, Liberia and Zimbabwe.
There are many factors that reduce the longevity of Americans compared to other countries, in which the largest element in the U.S. by up to 45 million people without health insurance, nearly one third of people aged 20 years old more obese and two thirds were overweight.
Blacks in America have an average life of 73.3 years, five years shorter than whites. Particularly for black men in America, the average life expectancy also lower, at only 69.5 years. America is also the rate of children under age 1 die is higher than Cuba, Taiwan and other industrial countries.

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