The world has 39.5 million people living with HIV / AIDS

The United Nations has said that HIV continues to spread with 39.5 million people worldwide are infected with this deadly virus. According to updated reports on the AIDS pandemic, the world has this year added 4.3 million people infected with HIV.

Killing of more than 25 million people since the first cases were discovered in 1981, AIDS became one of the worst diseases in history.
The area has the most HIV-infected people in Africa with 22.7 million, accounting for 64% of the world.
However, this deadly virus is spreading fastest in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, with an increase to 70% within 2 years.
South and Southeast Asia, the number of new HIV infections increased from 15% in 2004 compared with 12% in North Africa and the Middle East. The number of women infected with HIV has risen to a record 17.7 million people worldwide, more than 1 million people compared with two years ago.
Concerned at the rapid spread of HIV, but the UN was positive first step in the treatment thanks to the attention of politicians and officials of many organizations and individuals.

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