Carry stories about the kids 'blood death' in Romania

20 years ago, about 10,000 children abandoned when Romania has brought in his birth because HIV-infected blood. Now, one of them, Ms. Florentina, a new opportunity to tell their unfortunate lives.
With tears rolling cheeks when recalling the past, Florentina share: "I was one of 15 children that my mother left his side. 20 years passed on I always wondered why she could abandon her kids off by laying out the intestines. " 

Florentina confided, her parents pushed their anger on helpless situation and to go through 15 years of life at the orphanage horror Orlat. Choking her words: "We in the orphanage are you calling me baby Aid. They sang and lepers shunned me. That shame and trauma inspires 15-year-old daughter, then fled as though I do not know where will go on. "

According to Florentina, the months of her days wandering sometimes seemingly ended when she received many proposals for adoption. However, they relented immediately after learning she was carrying in his illness century.
A lone pieces of content is not less Florentina Alex. 21-year-old young man flinch when talking about the September date at No. 7 orphanages for children with HIV. "We were well fed, clothed, but often suffer fatal blow of the game she told the form. Not only that, sometimes empty camp, many children do not succumb to the disease in his famous, must retire from life. Each month, at least one child death before surrender! "
Happiness seems to Alex when on one fine day, he is informed that a man named Denise is preparing to adopt. Had barely tasted the joy of all, a few days later, Alex received information that this woman has gone out for a fatal diseases. But good luck nonetheless still smile with him miserable. The woman was so nice to keep complete records "rescue" Alex from orphanages before her death.
Currently, though no refuge but still very happy that Alex is no longer subjected to the unprovoked attack of the match guarantee form. However, Alex shows you afraid for the children still live in miserable camps. He shared: "I am very worried for your stay. Life of children infected with HIV too short. I fear that many do not keep people experience life as normal, the disease has hit broke. "
Same compassion that we sympathize with your plight as his subject is motivated to help Alex to speak up. He also put journalists courageous witness to the plight of orphans in the camp. Medium to door number seven orphanages, camp director is Alex Loan Medeleanu realized. Proved to be a post-soul "with the job", he shared: "I love which is a very young child. I always do my best for the children. I am gratified to hear that they are satisfied with life here. "
However, the words of Mr. Ioan Medeleanu totally contrary to report that the scene was witnessed. In a room dark and empty huech, when they see strangers, four children go barefoot and ragged clothes clutched hands and crouch as being mentally prepared for the thrashing.
Shortly after this story was of public concern, government surveys clearly Romania committed to the status of the orphanage and the orphanage will be closed not meet standards.

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