The clinical manifestations and opportunistic infections common in children infected with HIV from mother

Antibodies are proteins in the immune system, are tasked to identify and combat viruses or bacteria as well as search and destroy mutated cells, including cancer-causing cells. So, wants early diagnosis must rely on the test for HIV antigens (antigens are substances secreted by bacteria or viruses to harm the body) - in other words means that the HIV virus immediately after tongue, at times a month, 3 months, 6 months after birth.
Currently, HIV antigen test for early diagnosis has been made for children in Vietnam at the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology.
When HIV infection in children also have some clinical manifestations of the following:
Incubation period
For children infected from the womb, during birth, most children are normal, healthy, only a few have lower weight for gestational age.
For children infected during birth or after birth (due to breastfeeding), then a few weeks after birth may have expressed mild fever, fatigue, fussy, liver spleen can check to see (similar to pre-symptoms of adults infected with HIV).
Number of children with HIV, depending on clinical symptoms occur then sooner or later be divided into two groups:
- The group has a short incubation time: about 20% with clinical symptoms occurred on average 3 to 6 months after birth.
- Group long incubation period: 80% with clinical manifestations occur in approximately 5 to 7 years period.
Thus, compared with adults, children's incubation period is shorter and often progresses to AIDS faster and heavier.
Stages of clinical manifestations
a. The clinical manifestations
To cost: cost to small common irregular in many places, most neck, lower jaw, armpits, groin, usually painless, firm density, persistent changes.
Spleen to the liver: There may experience liver or spleen to the liver to separate or spleen are big (and often little to no change in their appearance and special characteristics).
No weight gain or weight loss, usually occurs in late stage, many children lost weight at the late stage of AIDS progression and particularly opportunistic infections.
Prolonged fever: The first phase usually persistent fever no rules, unknown causes, can weigh up the chances of infection. Fever usually lasts about a month more
Chronic diarrhea: Usually occurs in heavy progress into AIDS, combined with intestinal infections.
Also can see the nerve damage, pneumonia and interstitial lymphocyte infiltration, inflammatory parotid online, thrombocytopenic bleeding, blood natural tan, myocarditis, nephritis, ... form of skin cancer and Kaposi sarcoma (although rare in children than adults).
b. The common opportunistic infection
Skin infections: caused by viruses or having herpes, impetigo caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus and some may be caused by fungi.
Lung infection: the most common is pneumonia caused by a virus or a fungus. Need special attention to tuberculosis. The incidence of tuberculosis in HIV-infected children are usually quite high.
Gastrointestinal infections: It is often caused by bacteria infected gastritis - intestinal as E. coli, salmonella, dysentery bacilli, ... and can be caused by fungi, especially Candida albicans fungus.
Besides those common opportunistic infections listed above may also be encountered by fungal meningitis, hepatitis viruses of all kinds ...
When the child has not been tested and diagnosed with HIV, the mother should also note the abnormal expression of the child and should go to doctor for examination, diagnosis and treatment of specific direction.

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