Nutrition for people living with HIV

Every day, people with HIV need a lot of protein and energy than usual to combat the virus. However, people with HIV prone to food poisoning and infectious diseases through the food more. Therefore, they need to eat more than normal and need to ensure food hygiene and nutrition.
Studies have shown that right from the first phase of new HIV infections, the body has to double the protein and energy than before HIV infection. On the other hand, the resistance of the body weaker people with HIV should be a small number of pathogens can cause intestinal infection or food poisoning. In addition, weakness caused by the body, chances of infection or side effects of medication, people with HIV sometimes anorexia. With all these factors, a diet sufficient and safe for people with HIV is very important.
A good diet will: • weight room • Department of malnutrition • Reduced risk of infection • Strengthening the effectiveness of treatment
Some suggestions on nutrition
To be able to eat a lot, people with HIV should select the appropriate type of food tastes and his digestion. Do not try to eat foods they like or do not cause digestive disorders (diarrhea, abdominal pain, allergies ...).


1) The appropriate types of food nutrition for people living with HIV
• Foods rich in protein: meat, shrimp, fish, eggs, milk, liver, nuts, beans, tofu, peanuts, sesame (sesame)
• Foods rich in energy potatoes, bread, rice, assorted sweets (sugar, confectionery, fresh fruit, drinking water with sugar) and fats (fats, oils, butter, cheese )
• Foods rich in vitamin: assorted vegetables and fruit, eggs, milk, liver.
People with HIV should eat at least six times a day. If no condition to hold regular meals, in addition to main meals of the day, the other was able to eat candy, fruit or other snacks.

2) The proportion of foods that people with HIV should use
• Need to eat most types of food: rice, bread, potatoes. Noting that pho, noodles, vermicelli and the majority of wheat is in Vietnam contain very little energy. In the case of people with HIV need to eat to get energy should not eat this food or to eat foods with more energy as rice, bread, potatoes.
• Next is the vegetables and fruit. Eat vegetables and fruits to get different vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, to note that people with HIV should not eat raw vegetables unless the vegetables are thoroughly washed and soaked in salt water dilution to eliminate most bacterial pathogens and parasites. The fruits should be peeled before eating.
• The more protein foods is a very important role in maintaining health and improving disease resistance of the body should be eaten regularly. The category includes: meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, beans, sesame (sesame), nuts. One day a person with HIV should eat a protein equivalent to chicken eggs or 2-3 4-5 taels of meat, or fish 3-4 taels.

• Spices: Depends on who's taste you can use different spices. However, people with HIV should not eat too much chili and pepper because that can cause stomach irritation while doing the healing mouth ulcers. People with HIV in Thailand are often advised to eat more garlic to enhance the immunity of the body. It could be a hint to try to apply.
If people with HIV can not eat enough regular foods, they should drink a lot of ca-lo (energy) such as milk and sugar mixed fruit juice. They can drink straight from the cup or by straw. In the current formulas are marketed in Vietnam, milk Ensure that the World Health Organization recommended for people with HIV because milk contains a lot of energy.
In the case of digestive disorders, should eat foods like rice, bread, or fruits are sweet because they have more energy and more comfortable.
Prevent diseases caused by food:
• People who are HIV infected intestines. So should choose to buy fresh foods and drinks, clean, and expiry date. Food items are eggs, meat and seafood like shrimp, fish should be cooked, the vegetables should be washed. Eat immediately after cooking. The food and drink to excess or fridge, must be nested table to prevent flies and insects. In that case, formal dining not to exceed six hours after cooking.

• Also, some people may allergic to certain foods, certain beverages like milk, shrimp, fish ... Manifestations of allergic reactions can be itching, skin or floating Department can also be abdominal pain or diarrhea. In such cases, use of foods instead.

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