You girls and HIV - Things to Know

Currently, according to statistics of the World Health Organization, nearly half of those infected with HIV are women and girls. Due to the characteristics of the body and the characteristics of cultural and traditional women more vulnerable to HIV infection, especially by sexual contact.

When HIV enters the body the progression of HIV in women are similar in men and antiviral drugs are also effective in women similar to men. However, in women, HIV can affect menstrual cycles and reproductive health.
HIV and the menstrual girlfriend
When your girlfriend is H, the development of the HIV virus in the body can alter hormonal balance, which causes weight loss or anemia. That may lead to some menstrual disorders such as irregular menstrual cycles, blood can experience more or less normal, slow economic or economic loss (although not pregnant), especially for cases with H girlfriend is white blood cells of T lymphocytes (CD4) decreased only less than 200 units (by the HIV virus was destroyed, destroy).
Even some girls, HIV can also cause early menopause, with symptoms such as menstrual dwindling and then stop, vaginal dryness, hot flushes with gusts surface, reducing libido, dry skin and innovation on the skin spots, to urinate more often than normal, mood changes ... These signs significant impact on quality of life of women.
The above shows signs of the disease is progressing so, if she should tell doctors H as soon as these symptoms appear.
HIV and reproductive tract infections in girls
When infected with HIV virus, the immune system of the body has been reduced to those with H are easily infected with reproductive tract infections. However, due to the characteristics of the body so if she was susceptible to H of reproductive tract infections than men. And when they suffer from reproductive tract infections, the disease is often prolonged and more difficult to treat.
The reproductive tract infection if she is susceptible to Q: Vaginal fungus, inflammation and sub-frame of cervical cancer. When your girlfriend has a vaginal yeast infection H, go away, very difficult to treat. It often causes intense itching, persistent in the vagina and burning sensation in the vagina, accompanied by several white gas damage, special.
Acute or sub-frame is usually caused by Chlamydia causes gonorrhea. The girlfriend is H, a variety of bacteria or germs can also cause this disease. Sub-frames often painful inflammation of the lower abdomen long, sometimes painful, gases damage, fatigue and even may include fever, vomiting or abnormal vaginal bleeding.
The girlfriend is H, the incidence of cervical cancer is higher than other women. It is caused by the virus in chickens rough crest genitals caused. If the disease is not treated early can be dangerous to life. To detect early disease need regular pelvic exam and take the test (6 months / time).
For H girlfriend, the questions of reproductive tract infections can leave the heavy consequences. But fortunately, most of these infections may be room by using condoms during sex. Therefore, for H if she needs special attention and make safe sex.
HIV and pregnancy, your baby girl
For H girlfriend, pregnancy and childbirth is very rich and dangerous risks. This requires H girlfriend have to consider carefully before deciding to become a mother.
We all know that the mother is H virus capable of transmitting HIV to children during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. However, not all children by mothers with H are born HIV positive. The rate of HIV transmission from mother to child if no preventive treatment was about 30%.
Before deciding to get pregnant or have children before you decide, you should consider H girls have some following issues:
- Health status of themselves sufficient to overcome during pregnancy and birth or not? If you girls are infected with H reproductive tract infections have not been treated or have a low CD4 count should not be pregnant.
- H girlfriend have a chance to prophylaxis infection from mother to child? Currently, the largest maternity hospital in the country such as Tu Du Hospital, Institute for health protection of mothers and infants, the central hospital of Hue, Hai Phong Institute of Obstetrics and obstetric hospital Provincial department have a drug free treatment for prevention of cases of mothers who are H. So when the decision of pregnancy and childbirth, if she can go to H health facilities listed above for advice and preventive treatment, to reduce the risk of transmission for the virus. In the case of H girlfriend have no access to the preventive treatment of mother to child transmission should not be pregnant or give birth.
- H girlfriend is laying operation conditions during child birth and parenting ability with or without milk? The vaginal birth or by breast-feeding after birth increases the likelihood of transmission of HIV virus from mother to child. So when your girlfriend is pregnant and decide H childbirth preparation work should be open to giving birth and should not be breastfeeding (breast milk because the HIV virus).
- H girlfriend is able to care for foster children? There are also healthy in a long time? Conditional use of antiviral drugs and could not find support from family, relatives in raising my children? We all know that HIV is infected for life, so if your girlfriend is H ensure that your child will be born and nurtured care as most other children so they decided to have a new baby.
In addition, during pregnancy and childbirth, if she needed absolute H avoid using alcohol and drugs, and should be closely monitored fluid break time (when going to a baby). If the mother before birth broken amniotic fluid from four hours or more, or use alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, the risk-to-child transmission of HIV virus is very high.
Most children of mothers with HIV immediately after birth for all positive test results (for young blood antibodies against HIV transmission to the mother) but that does not mean that all of this baby HIV infection. The mother should wait after the child was 18 months old and tested again if this test result is positive for the new baby infected with HIV, but if the test is negative, the child is not infected HIV from mother.
And the avoidance of HIV pregnant girlfriend
Like the other girls, if girls do not want to have H unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to use contraceptive methods when having sex. For H girlfriend, using condoms during sex is good contraceptive methods nhat.Vi condom not only helps girls avoid unwanted pregnancy but also help his girlfriend avoid further infection line as well as other viruses avoid sexually transmitted diseases. However, if your girlfriend really want to have H contraception effectively absolute need to use contraceptive methods "double", ie the combination of condoms and other contraceptive methods such as calculating economic cycle, killer sperm ... Currently, there are still many controversial comments about safety and effectiveness of contraceptive methods such as oral contraceptives, contraceptive injections, contraceptive ring for his girlfriend is H. Although no clear conclusions, but the observation that if H girlfriend has no antiviral drug therapy is the use of oral contraceptives did not significantly affect your health.

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