Measures to prevent HIV infection

Measures to prevent HIV / AIDS is now effectively no less interested
Prevention of HIV transmission through blood

- Do not pump, the injection needles or injections. Syringes and needles should be used for a time and then discarded. It is best not injecting drugs.
- Limiting blood transfusions, use of injecting drugs.
- Do not mix the material through the skin and mucous membranes, such as toothbrushes, razors, tattoo needles, needle through the ear, ...
- When hair cut should not use the same razor blade, disaster supplies last because this furniture can still cause skin damage and the spread of HIV / AIDS

Chamber of HIV infection through sexual

- When not qualified, not sure about the history of the situation should not have to rush sex. Avoiding sex as a preventative measure HIV / AIDS and other infections transmitted sexually most effective
- Has your partner or married, to live faithful to both the most effective way to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS infection and sexually transmitted
- In case of a relationship with someone you do not know about their sexual history, the proper use of condoms is essential. Need to use condoms when having sex after all vaginal, oral and anal.
- Early detection and timely treatment of disease through sexual transmission also helps reduce the risk of HIV / AIDS because of the damage caused by infection through sexual transmission is the ideal door for HIV

Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child

- A woman infected with HIV should not be pregnant, if you are pregnant should not have a baby.
- If they wish to have children, health facilities need to be consulted on how to prevent HIV transmission to children.
- After delivery if conditions should children use breast milk instead of cow's milk.

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