World Cup - Perpetrators 'birth' of unwanted children

16th child abandoned in a basement shop this month and predicted that number would surge after the World Cup nine months. Part of this has been born to prostitutes because they can not raise their children. According to Rosanna Greenstreet, orphanages in South Africa are under pressure to prepare to deal with this situation.

Abandoned children
Berea Baptist Mission Church outside at one of the crime filled streets of downtown Johannesburg, the largest city of South Africa, has a 'bucket babies' as a part of a clothing bin in a reuse Avenue of the UK, it includes a hatch in the church wall, covered by a metal cap that read 'The door hope'. That's where desperate mothers can go on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to leave behind babies that they can not afford health or the help to nourish. Every month, 16 children regularly being left behind in the box lid (figure A in the year in the UK).
'Pail Kids' Cheryl Allen was pastor of the church built in 1999, after she noticed some parents newborns were abandoned and deaths in toilets, in garbage cans, on the wing and the bushes. South Africa as a country with the highest number of HIV worldwide, and half the population lives below the poverty level.
Both these factors make the situation infants parents abandoned their children common place. Johannesburg is estimated only about 50 babies are abandoned every month, there were cases where children were thrown out and it's painful avenue when the car runs to cross. So bin Johannesburg under which children are put up at least for women who abandon their children are safe maximum.
Kate Allen, daughter of the pastor is simultaneously manage three orphanages the church's interpretation: 'there is a weight sensor in the tank for children. When she put her mother on drums, the bell will ring out to house children. We're going down, opening and closing containers and bring the baby of our family. These babies usually are born, although mothers care efforts are about 2 to 3 months and then abandoned them. "
To August this barrel children 'door hope' work 11 years and 890 children received. Kate said: 'At first we welcomed the first 4 to 6 children per month. Then increased to 8 children and 12 grandchildren last year. Since early this year, we received 16 children per month '.
Kate said that the rise of children abandoned by the economic downturn that South Africa lost 1 / 4 a job. 'People are trying to provide for their families and in many prostitution. The mother is a prostitute will have children, abandon them and then return to work. It was terrible. We've heard or seen them, most children abandoned at night and not difficult to imagine the suffering of mothers that they abandoned their children in the bin and run away '.
Kate is currently preparing to add a barrel of children in nine-month period since the World Cup. The fans from 32 countries focused on the beautiful city where football games are held. An estimated 450,000 visitors are men, and although sexual services is illegal in South Africa, but many children remain unwanted pregnancy by the women as prostitutes during the tournament.
Orphanages in cities like Johannesburg and Durban are self-phase increase for abandoned children increased. 'All we do is prepare the space for them "Kate said at the' wings of hope '' We are wanting to create a children's village and there we could build houses paintings. We did find a suitable place and we need about 700,000 dollars for non-free. We are currently deadlocked over the method and is attempting to find suitable space. "
In Durban, artist Lara Mellon 40 years old has started a campaign called Every ONE Counts (Provisional Translation: All Persons on Community) to raise funds for orphanages Shepherd's Keep City. She was encouraged by the story that the founder of the organization Shepherd's Keep Mr Colin Pratley talks about a strategy to deal with issues World Cup - on the contrary the mayor of Durban said Michael Sutcliffe has dismissed the issue and considered as not important. 'He said that even prostitutes 1000 1000 abandoned children, it also does not guarantee its consequences arising "Lara recalled. 'I really stunned. Only an abandoned baby is too much then. "
Every 48 hours they had three babies discarded in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, where Durban is the largest city. Lara felt forced to do something for the baby abandoned the World Cup tends to increase. She said: 'I lie in bed and imagine a gallery with 1000 paintings, 1000 to show the boy mentioned in the article. I sent letters to all my artist friends and asked them to contribute to the work and get the response very much '.
The pick up artist the world is donated works for Every ONE Counts campaign and each work will be sold around 160 dollars. 'So far we are pledged 300 paintings' Lara said. 'We have received 150 of them and 52 paintings were sold. The first painting was sold through the Facebook network. All our ingredients are bought, in New York, New Zealand and in Britain, where even many who do not usually visit the gallery '.
Shepherd's Keep orphanage children do not have tanks, but their staff worked closely with Durban police and they brought the baby found abandoned in the area to the orphanages. Michelle Potgieter, director of Shepherd's Keep, said: 'Today we received a newborn found in the park. Last month, we get a baby abandoned in a bush-baby, she never expected the baby was discovered. Baby skin was scratched from head to toe by the sun and red ants cling on each of her flesh. Baby abandoned in bushes two or three days and can not cry anymore. Baby neck completely hoarse. Like many other baby, the baby girl was diagnosed with the panic. I slept until waking up screaming in fear Vaie '.
Michelle also found worrying new trend. She said: 'We found many babies in toilets and in plastic bags by abortion. It's bad when some advertising of abortion for women was seven months pregnant. A mother taking drugs and premature think she had a miscarriage, but not, she still birth and the baby is alive, the baby was rolled in plastic bag and leave until death ' .
While other mothers who abandon their children near a church or hospital in the hope someone will see their children and care for them, along with personal belongings tidy package. 'A box of artificial milk for children up enough to say that the mother has HIV' Michelle said, 'Because here she is breastfeeding tradition, you will understand that the mother had left her most valuable assets her because she knew dying. Sadly '.
Shepherd's Keep taking care of a newborn to 6 months old. When a baby 6 six months, the medical tests needed to be completed and social work staff will have the resources foster parents. Most live outside South Africa-Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and England. If you can not find suitable adoptive parents, the baby was transferred to the government orphanage.
'We are at stake on the issue of adoption in the country' explains Michelle. 'There are areas where HIV prevalence is 1 / 2. This impacts the ability to care for children. Furthermore (the majority of abandoned children is black), and men do not desire adoption by others.
In 54 children currently living in orphanages "Door hope 'in Johannesburg has 3 children with HIV. 'Not easy to organize children's HIV' Kate Allen said, 'so they are often in places specifically, but next week we will have the first house for children with HIV. If the child has a diet and appropriate treatment, hopefully we will have better lives.
'Not every child that must necessarily positive if positive mothers' she adds. 'If a new baby a few days old, we can test the resistance of the blood of her mother. If positive, we Nevirapine for the baby (a drug that can inhibit the HIV virus if the baby less than 72 hours old).
At Shepherd's Keep in Durban, said Michelle optimistic. 'The baby came in panic situation, but we are leaving even healthy HIV-infected children. We affirm antiretroviral drugs in accordance with the applicable child and nutrition program in which vitamins to strengthen the immune system among children. Clearly, children must preserve life, but I do not understand why the children can not live life more.
In the early days, someone said, 'She is wasting money for the children infected by HIV anyway grandchildren will die'. I replied, 'you would not say if this boy scrotum cancer'. Translation Every ONE Counts views of Lara Mellon said that children have the same value as any of them come from ' Recently, a British lawyer and his wife returned to Durban for their two little girls adopted from Shepherd's Keep a few years ago. Two girls abandoned isolation but should be recognized as the same old twins. . Michelle said: 'It's happy to see our lives have changed. We girls traveling the world, listening to English, and think about where they came, were wonderful. "
Let's hope the baby born after the World Cup is a happy outcome. 

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