The diseases caused by 'sex'

Below is the information shared by your doctor Quynh Le, experts from non-governmental organization of U.S. reproductive health care (Pathfinder International) to help the youth prevention of sexually transmitted disease status Education:
Disease sexually transmitted diseases can be spread from your partner, through semen or vaginal fluids. Some common diseases or were known to many people, including HIV, herpes and gonorrhea. Many diseases spread through sexual contact can spread through the oral, anal and vaginal sex if through these lines.
The only way to be 100% effective to prevent transmission is abstinence sex. However, the condom is also a very good measures to protect against most of these diseases. Vaginal diaphragm can also be effective protection. Other contraceptive methods such as medication, intrauterine no disease-preventing effects.
Significant factor is that some people are sick sex incubation period may have a negative test result. So, for those who have risk behaviors such as sex is not safe or sharing needles and syringes, if initially negative test should be retested a few weeks later.
The disease is spread through sexual
There are many diseases transmitted sexually. Some can be treated (such as gonorrhea, syphilis), a treatable and not fatal (like HIV).
Immunodeficiency virus in humans, called HIV is one of the sexually transmitted diseases are best known and certainly one of the most dangerous diseases. HIV attacks the immune system, making people with other infectious diseases.
When the immune system destroyed by HIV, patients will be syndrome acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). It may be used to restrict the multiplication of HIV, however, patients still inevitably be long-term mortality.
HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact, contact with HIV infected blood or fluids of another person with HIV. HIV can be transmitted through other routes such as birth (mother to child transmitted infections), or sharing needles.
HIV was first detected in homosexual men, however, until now the spread between the same gender and sex are similar. HIV is spread through sexual contact vaginal or anal transmission easier by mouth.
Here are some facts about HIV:
- HIV does not currently be cured, but can take medicine to control.
- There are no vaccines for HIV prevention.
- HIV can infect anyone, regardless of race, gender, age or sexual orientation. - Just one in four people infected with HIV do not know they are infected.

- HIV causes AIDS.
- HIV infection have no symptoms (signs). Can not tell who is HIV positive, if only their looks.
- Can be infected with HIV from these fluids of infected persons. Sexuality does not use protective measures, shared needles or other exposure.
- Those who have sex with many people who regularly have sex without using protection measures have a higher risk of HIV infection and spread.
If you suspect they may have been exposed to HIV, and if you're unsure, you should visit your doctor for medical examination and advice immediately.
Herpes virus (HSV) also causes sexually transmitted most popular. Like HIV, herpes can be transmitted through sexual contact, blood and other fluids in contact with other people. But unlike HIV, Hespes not lethal and does not degrade the immune system.
Herpes causes blisters in the skin of acne in the areas affected. People with herpes can be spread to others when the acne is shattered, but also can be spread even when the acne has not yet broken. It may be used to treat herpes but can not be cured.
11% women and 23% of men infected with HSV-2, is a popular type of herpes cause genital herpes. Up to 90% who tested positive for HSV-1, is the most common type of herpes in mouth herpes. Herpes is very common because most doctors do not conduct tests unless the patient complained of herpes break (to determine the diagnosis) or the proposed tests.
HPV is a virus. There are many types of HPV. Some types cause rough spots on the genitals. Some other causes of cervical cancer in women. So women should have sex Pap smear (vaginal session) periodically to detect early cervical cancer.
While the immune systems of people not affected, does not find a way to treat HPV. The doctor may remove the rough spots if they are causing troubles.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
The bacterial infection is transmitted sexually. They may also cause infections in other locations such as eye or throat. As well as other infectious diseases, gonorrhea and chlamydia are treated with antibiotics.
Most people infected have no symptoms, especially in women. In people with symptoms, the painful urination is a sign of the most popular. In women, both gonorrhea and chlamydia infection can make the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing the inflammation primary frame. Sub-frame member infections can lead to infertility and increased risk of remedial action outside the womb.
Syphilis is a bacterium. Syphilis infection has three stages. Initially, patients will have ulcers where they are infected with syphilis. In the next stage, the infected person is very typical traces with very special characteristics that appear symmetrical, ie if it appears at hand, it also appears in the left arm. If it is at bottom right, it also appears in the left buttock.
Both ulcers and you'll own. During the period from one to ten years after infection, tertiary syphilis will begin to appear. At this stage, the lesions like tumors, neurological damage or heart disease will appear.
Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics.
Lice mu
Louse is lice live mu mu hair. They are not annoying as much as lice or scabies. Mu lice can be transmitted by direct skin contact with infected person, contact with clothing, bedding ... but can not be transmitted through fluids or blood.
The discussion with your partner about the disease through sexual transmission are also important.
Many people do not know they are infected and some know they are infected they did not say it before sex. Should women propose men consistently used condoms before sex, and they should also know how to wear a condom for your partner. 

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