Women in the AIDS menace

By late 2002, the world has 19.2 million women living with HIV / AIDS, ie half of the HIV / AIDS.
1. Women with HIV / AIDS increased
Young women increasingly more to AIDS, increased 3 times from 7% in 1985 up to 25% in 2001 among HIV? AIDS.
The world is up 90% of people infected with HIV? AIDS is through sexual route.

2. Women to HIV / AIDS than men
Due to the biological
Women vulnerable to infection when having sex because the female genital tract is exposed to a wider area men, semen contains more HIV than vaginal fluids, semen stay in the female body is quite long.
Women also susceptible to infection through blood than by implementing the beauty tricks (invasive lips, eyelids ...), invasive blood loss due to blood transfusion after childbirth.
Due to the cultural - economic - social
- Asian women rarely talk, exchange and learn about sexuality issues. The wife in the family vulnerable if unfaithful husband.
- Women often bear the economic dependence and often passive role in sex so hard to convince your partner to use safe sex measures.
- Young girls from poor rural areas to urban job seekers vulnerable to sexual abuse and a number of young unemployed women to go on the road to prostitution.

3. Women suffer serious harm in the HIV / AIDS than men
Impact on health
Women with HIV / AIDS more quickly seedy, fading beauty, shoot thin, weight loss, diarrhea, skin infections and rapid death than men.
Psychological harm
faithful wife was severely kicked and when the results of HIV is spread by her husband and happy family is broken. Also, if you also have HIV, the psychological trauma of the mother also was even worse.
4. Women also bear the burden when many have relatives living with HIV / AIDS
If the husband is HIV positive and AIDS patients are women earning moderate confusion for the whole family has to take care of AIDS patients.
If children in families of HIV infection is also usually the mother, the sister would care, medication.
In areas where discrimination, expel, shun people with HIV / AIDS still exist, HIV-infected families are often isolated, and the woman must bear a psychological burden caused by such discrimination.
5. The main women to protect themselves from HIV / AIDS
To protect their own lives and families in danger of HIV / AIDS is now active women need:
- Close attention to husband child support, support one another.
- To refuse sex or unsafe to convince your partner to apply measures of safe sex (using condoms correctly).
- If your husband or your partner is infected, they must absolutely use a condom.
- Take the exam for early detection and treatment of diseases transmitted sexually.
- Read complete information about HIV / AIDS. Regularly meet together to exchange knowledge and skills to prevent, nor fear the stigma of HIV. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Women in the AIDS menace
1. Women infected with HIV / AIDS increasing
The end of 2002, the world has 19.2 million women living with HIV / AIDS, ie half of the HIV / AIDS.
Young women increasingly more mac AIDS, increased 3 times from 7% in 1985 up to 25% in 2001 among those with HIV? AIDS.
The world where 90% people living with HIV? AIDS is through sexual child.

2. Women to HIV / AIDS than men
Because biological features
Women to become infected when having sex because female genital tract has an area exposed algae than men, and body contains HIV vaginal hon; and body stay in the body long nu.
Women also susceptible transmitted faster to perform such tricks as dep (moi gray, gray ...), eyelid caused by blood transfusion after childbirth fade.
Due to cultural characteristics - economic socio -
- Women's A-line rarely talk, exchange and learn about sexuality issues. The wife in the family vulnerable If the husband is unfaithful.
- Women are often dependent on economic chiu and often passive role in sex so hard to convince you to calculate the measures of safe sex.
- Poor girls from rural areas find employment exam to become vulnerable to sexual abuse and some young women unemployment paths to go into prostitution. 

3. Author of women suffer heavy losses in the HIV / AIDS than men
On the health harms
Women infected with HIV / AIDS ash wool peaked quickly, fading beauty, gay detached, weight loss, diarrhea, infections of the skin and also die faster than men.
Psychological harm
faithful wife ball kicked and severely when the results of HIV is due to lay chong and happy family is broken. Also, if the provision of HIV test kicked and mother's son was even worse.
4. Women also suffer when a loved burden of HIV / AIDS
If the husband is sick with HIV and AIDS, women living king confused king for the whole family to take care of AIDS patients.
If children in the household has HIV test hybrid is usually the mother, who would care, medication.
In places where stigma, banishment, shunning people with HIV / AIDS human family exist, people with HIV are often isolated, and the woman suffered a psychological burden caused by the discrimination.
5. Chinh women must protect themselves to avoid HIV / AIDS
To protect the life you and your family in danger of HIV / AIDS at present active women need:
- Close attention to support the pallet, support one another.
- Refusal to have sex unsafe or persuade your partner to apply measures of safe sex (use condoms correctly).
- If the infected husband or the test must be absolutely condom use.
- Mobile examinations detected early and treated infectious diseases through sexual contact.
- Read complete information about HIV / AIDS. Regularly meet and exchange with each other to get knowledge and skills, nor to avoid a two exams than people infected with HIV.

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