Porn industry as U.S. HIV Shedding

Numerous companies in the adult entertainment industry billions of dollars worth of California has stopped filming after the actor was found positive for HIV.

HIV cases by clinic health care fund adult film industry (AIM) - which carried out tests required every month for 1200 actors - detection. However, the identity of actors infected with HIV were not disclosed.
AIM Clinic is trying to identify and test the performance you've starred with the actor to see if anyone with HIV or not.
Once information is disclosed, some companies have stopped production and expected other companies would follow.
Thursday 4, the two companies Vivid Entertainment and Wicked Pictures in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles, the center of the adult film industry lucrative, has announced suspension of production. By yesterday, two other companies as Digital Playground and Hustler Video also similar decision.
Since 2004, 25 cases of HIV infection was detected at the AIM clinic and at least eight of whom are distinguished acute adult movies, Robert Kim-Farley, officials of the Ministry of Public Health Los Angeles, said.
Health officials said the problem of low use of condoms in porn industry makes the actors are at risk of HIV and other diseases.
California officials are considering tightening the regulations include rubber used in adult film production in the state.

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The diseases caused by 'sex'

Below is the information shared by your doctor Quynh Le, experts from non-governmental organization of U.S. reproductive health care (Pathfinder International) to help the youth prevention of sexually transmitted disease status Education:
Disease sexually transmitted diseases can be spread from your partner, through semen or vaginal fluids. Some common diseases or were known to many people, including HIV, herpes and gonorrhea. Many diseases spread through sexual contact can spread through the oral, anal and vaginal sex if through these lines.
The only way to be 100% effective to prevent transmission is abstinence sex. However, the condom is also a very good measures to protect against most of these diseases. Vaginal diaphragm can also be effective protection. Other contraceptive methods such as medication, intrauterine no disease-preventing effects.
Significant factor is that some people are sick sex incubation period may have a negative test result. So, for those who have risk behaviors such as sex is not safe or sharing needles and syringes, if initially negative test should be retested a few weeks later.
The disease is spread through sexual
There are many diseases transmitted sexually. Some can be treated (such as gonorrhea, syphilis), a treatable and not fatal (like HIV).
Immunodeficiency virus in humans, called HIV is one of the sexually transmitted diseases are best known and certainly one of the most dangerous diseases. HIV attacks the immune system, making people with other infectious diseases.
When the immune system destroyed by HIV, patients will be syndrome acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). It may be used to restrict the multiplication of HIV, however, patients still inevitably be long-term mortality.
HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact, contact with HIV infected blood or fluids of another person with HIV. HIV can be transmitted through other routes such as birth (mother to child transmitted infections), or sharing needles.
HIV was first detected in homosexual men, however, until now the spread between the same gender and sex are similar. HIV is spread through sexual contact vaginal or anal transmission easier by mouth.
Here are some facts about HIV:
- HIV does not currently be cured, but can take medicine to control.
- There are no vaccines for HIV prevention.
- HIV can infect anyone, regardless of race, gender, age or sexual orientation. - Just one in four people infected with HIV do not know they are infected.

- HIV causes AIDS.
- HIV infection have no symptoms (signs). Can not tell who is HIV positive, if only their looks.
- Can be infected with HIV from these fluids of infected persons. Sexuality does not use protective measures, shared needles or other exposure.
- Those who have sex with many people who regularly have sex without using protection measures have a higher risk of HIV infection and spread.
If you suspect they may have been exposed to HIV, and if you're unsure, you should visit your doctor for medical examination and advice immediately.
Herpes virus (HSV) also causes sexually transmitted most popular. Like HIV, herpes can be transmitted through sexual contact, blood and other fluids in contact with other people. But unlike HIV, Hespes not lethal and does not degrade the immune system.
Herpes causes blisters in the skin of acne in the areas affected. People with herpes can be spread to others when the acne is shattered, but also can be spread even when the acne has not yet broken. It may be used to treat herpes but can not be cured.
11% women and 23% of men infected with HSV-2, is a popular type of herpes cause genital herpes. Up to 90% who tested positive for HSV-1, is the most common type of herpes in mouth herpes. Herpes is very common because most doctors do not conduct tests unless the patient complained of herpes break (to determine the diagnosis) or the proposed tests.
HPV is a virus. There are many types of HPV. Some types cause rough spots on the genitals. Some other causes of cervical cancer in women. So women should have sex Pap smear (vaginal session) periodically to detect early cervical cancer.
While the immune systems of people not affected, does not find a way to treat HPV. The doctor may remove the rough spots if they are causing troubles.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
The bacterial infection is transmitted sexually. They may also cause infections in other locations such as eye or throat. As well as other infectious diseases, gonorrhea and chlamydia are treated with antibiotics.
Most people infected have no symptoms, especially in women. In people with symptoms, the painful urination is a sign of the most popular. In women, both gonorrhea and chlamydia infection can make the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing the inflammation primary frame. Sub-frame member infections can lead to infertility and increased risk of remedial action outside the womb.
Syphilis is a bacterium. Syphilis infection has three stages. Initially, patients will have ulcers where they are infected with syphilis. In the next stage, the infected person is very typical traces with very special characteristics that appear symmetrical, ie if it appears at hand, it also appears in the left arm. If it is at bottom right, it also appears in the left buttock.
Both ulcers and you'll own. During the period from one to ten years after infection, tertiary syphilis will begin to appear. At this stage, the lesions like tumors, neurological damage or heart disease will appear.
Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics.
Lice mu
Louse is lice live mu mu hair. They are not annoying as much as lice or scabies. Mu lice can be transmitted by direct skin contact with infected person, contact with clothing, bedding ... but can not be transmitted through fluids or blood.
The discussion with your partner about the disease through sexual transmission are also important.
Many people do not know they are infected and some know they are infected they did not say it before sex. Should women propose men consistently used condoms before sex, and they should also know how to wear a condom for your partner. 
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Women in the AIDS menace

By late 2002, the world has 19.2 million women living with HIV / AIDS, ie half of the HIV / AIDS.
1. Women with HIV / AIDS increased
Young women increasingly more to AIDS, increased 3 times from 7% in 1985 up to 25% in 2001 among HIV? AIDS.
The world is up 90% of people infected with HIV? AIDS is through sexual route.

2. Women to HIV / AIDS than men
Due to the biological
Women vulnerable to infection when having sex because the female genital tract is exposed to a wider area men, semen contains more HIV than vaginal fluids, semen stay in the female body is quite long.
Women also susceptible to infection through blood than by implementing the beauty tricks (invasive lips, eyelids ...), invasive blood loss due to blood transfusion after childbirth.
Due to the cultural - economic - social
- Asian women rarely talk, exchange and learn about sexuality issues. The wife in the family vulnerable if unfaithful husband.
- Women often bear the economic dependence and often passive role in sex so hard to convince your partner to use safe sex measures.
- Young girls from poor rural areas to urban job seekers vulnerable to sexual abuse and a number of young unemployed women to go on the road to prostitution.

3. Women suffer serious harm in the HIV / AIDS than men
Impact on health
Women with HIV / AIDS more quickly seedy, fading beauty, shoot thin, weight loss, diarrhea, skin infections and rapid death than men.
Psychological harm
faithful wife was severely kicked and when the results of HIV is spread by her husband and happy family is broken. Also, if you also have HIV, the psychological trauma of the mother also was even worse.
4. Women also bear the burden when many have relatives living with HIV / AIDS
If the husband is HIV positive and AIDS patients are women earning moderate confusion for the whole family has to take care of AIDS patients.
If children in families of HIV infection is also usually the mother, the sister would care, medication.
In areas where discrimination, expel, shun people with HIV / AIDS still exist, HIV-infected families are often isolated, and the woman must bear a psychological burden caused by such discrimination.
5. The main women to protect themselves from HIV / AIDS
To protect their own lives and families in danger of HIV / AIDS is now active women need:
- Close attention to husband child support, support one another.
- To refuse sex or unsafe to convince your partner to apply measures of safe sex (using condoms correctly).
- If your husband or your partner is infected, they must absolutely use a condom.
- Take the exam for early detection and treatment of diseases transmitted sexually.
- Read complete information about HIV / AIDS. Regularly meet together to exchange knowledge and skills to prevent, nor fear the stigma of HIV. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Women in the AIDS menace
1. Women infected with HIV / AIDS increasing
The end of 2002, the world has 19.2 million women living with HIV / AIDS, ie half of the HIV / AIDS.
Young women increasingly more mac AIDS, increased 3 times from 7% in 1985 up to 25% in 2001 among those with HIV? AIDS.
The world where 90% people living with HIV? AIDS is through sexual child.

2. Women to HIV / AIDS than men
Because biological features
Women to become infected when having sex because female genital tract has an area exposed algae than men, and body contains HIV vaginal hon; and body stay in the body long nu.
Women also susceptible transmitted faster to perform such tricks as dep (moi gray, gray ...), eyelid caused by blood transfusion after childbirth fade.
Due to cultural characteristics - economic socio -
- Women's A-line rarely talk, exchange and learn about sexuality issues. The wife in the family vulnerable If the husband is unfaithful.
- Women are often dependent on economic chiu and often passive role in sex so hard to convince you to calculate the measures of safe sex.
- Poor girls from rural areas find employment exam to become vulnerable to sexual abuse and some young women unemployment paths to go into prostitution. 

3. Author of women suffer heavy losses in the HIV / AIDS than men
On the health harms
Women infected with HIV / AIDS ash wool peaked quickly, fading beauty, gay detached, weight loss, diarrhea, infections of the skin and also die faster than men.
Psychological harm
faithful wife ball kicked and severely when the results of HIV is due to lay chong and happy family is broken. Also, if the provision of HIV test kicked and mother's son was even worse.
4. Women also suffer when a loved burden of HIV / AIDS
If the husband is sick with HIV and AIDS, women living king confused king for the whole family to take care of AIDS patients.
If children in the household has HIV test hybrid is usually the mother, who would care, medication.
In places where stigma, banishment, shunning people with HIV / AIDS human family exist, people with HIV are often isolated, and the woman suffered a psychological burden caused by the discrimination.
5. Chinh women must protect themselves to avoid HIV / AIDS
To protect the life you and your family in danger of HIV / AIDS at present active women need:
- Close attention to support the pallet, support one another.
- Refusal to have sex unsafe or persuade your partner to apply measures of safe sex (use condoms correctly).
- If the infected husband or the test must be absolutely condom use.
- Mobile examinations detected early and treated infectious diseases through sexual contact.
- Read complete information about HIV / AIDS. Regularly meet and exchange with each other to get knowledge and skills, nor to avoid a two exams than people infected with HIV.
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HIV vaccine heartless father to son

In 1998, the U.S. quiver of a father intentionally injected HIV virus containing blood to the body of 11-month-old son. Many years have passed, he still lives, are hard to rise up to this week wore his uniform in graduate school.
Grim shots

To date, published cases of blood injected HIV into sons in 1998 is still considered one of the most exceptional cases the United States. Brian T. Stewart and Jennifer Jackson lives in Columbia, Illinois (USA) met in January 1990, after which, she Brryan Jackson born on May 2 / 1991.

The couple's happiness begins to crack when Stewart broke up the most ink and a child denied his son Brryan although tests have verified the biological father of Stewart Brryan.

Authorities forced his wife to send Stewart 267 USD per month child support money, but the father was not at times refuse to pay this money and quietly made his poison plot disabled.

In 1992, when 11-month-old baby Brryan being treated in hospital, asthma Stewart appears. Ms. Jackson assured his son to leave her husband out to buy some food. No one expected that, Stewart was injected cold son an injection of blood containing HIV stolen from St Hospital. Louis, where Stewart worked as an assistant research laboratory.

Since that time, health Brryan decline continuously with a variety of different diseases appear. The treatment does not seem to find the root causes of the decline of health, no one thought that she had HIV Brryan. Until the root cause is determined, the doctors treating her were stunned and Brryan questionable what causes babies infected with this deadly virus.

Authorities were on the, the case was made public with the allegations first degree murder for intentionally inhuman dads computer, after the arguments and scientific basis of the court to force Stewart bow guilty.

"It was unbelievable when he injected HIV into the human body to kill his only child and avoid having to pay monthly child support. He used the knowledge and skills to make their own motivation for this barbaric act "- Ross Buehler Beauty Products in trials in 1998 comment -" just shot him in prison to bring projects to the father , but bring back the death penalty for child. "

Now Ms. Jackson still remembers the moment in that year: "Brryan cried and screamed very loud when I go back by showing her symptoms anaphylaxis by a blood group match. Stewart even told me that from now I do not have to worry about raising money, because he knew Brryan children will not survive to age 5. "

Magic life

During 17 years living with HIV, Brryan Jackson was not a party with friends and limit participation in extracurricular school activities. Daily work of the boy was taking 23 pills HIV treatment and injection characteristics of five different real time. But with a boy who will grow up and graduated high school on this Saturday (13 / 6), the truth is plainly the most barbaric act of the father.

"I'm about to graduate high school School Francis Howell North. What happened is sad and has made me very miserable, "Brryan confided to the Associated Press. With him, his dream was simple: "The only thing I want to do now is to break the barrier and separates the estrangement of people with HIV. I want to change people's thinking and help them understand the truth about this virus. "

The pain of her past 17 years Jackson has probably gradually calming outside when she has a 5 year old daughter. Most importantly, peace of mind when she heard the boy confided: "God wants us to always altruistic. Father had made mistakes and I'll forgive him. You must become a better person he was. "

Those of you Brryan very endearing little boy, her best friend Kendra Sontag, 16, always for the praise of his friend: "He's very funny and always making people laugh. He would always appear at the right time to help me solve problems. Sometimes I've seen Brryan also love. "

Although many times the parents direct their children to prevent Brryan friends, but still a very strong boy, "I understand that. It is more that I know that I have to move on, learning to college someday and do politics. "

Brryan dream that's caught on fire was initially successful non-profit organization "Hope is Vital" (Hope is Life), founded by the boy received cooperation from many individuals and organizations in war AIDS epidemic communication.

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Female singer in court for HIV to multiple partners

German pop singer Nadja Benaissa admitted she had physical relationship with her boyfriend while a positive for the HIV virus.
However, the problem is that Benaissa not disclose your lover know you are sick. Admitted before the court, the accused said he has committed a big mistake.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys suggested the German court sentenced to imprisonment for no singer is facing accusations of harm when a man infected with HIV for him.

After much debate closed, both parties proposed two-year suspended sentence for Nadja Benaissa, 28, a member of the band No Angles.
German media reported DAPD, Benaissa said the man had HIV for him said they had an affair lasted three months in early 2004.
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True religion dark after the "Holy Women"True religion dark after the "Holy Women"

The Indians have an ancient tradition as their history so: girls in poor families to serve in the temple when the age regulations. Etiquette classes have created a "sex slave" under the authority of the clergy and clergy Ba-la-subject level. They call these girls with respect as "Holy Women." Born into the family of the lowest strata of society so fundamentally, the Church's inability to protect themselves. They must have many "sexual partners." They have no way to deny the request of men, can not expect your partner to use condoms. Indian man said he did not want to use condoms. The Indians have an ancient tradition as their history so: girls in poor families to serve in the temple when the age regulations. Etiquette classes have created a "sex slave" under the authority of the clergy and clergy Ba-la-subject level. They call these girls with respect as "Holy Women." Born into the family of the lowest strata of society so fundamentally, the Church's inability to protect themselves. They must have many "sexual partners." They have no way to deny the request of men, can not expect your partner to use condoms. Indian man said he did not want to use condoms.

Although in 1986 the girls become women in the Holy temple has been considered against the law but in the remaining 42 thousand women in Andhra Holy Dees, up to 40% were detected HIV positive. Themselves turned into animal sacrifice for the backwardness and ignorance, the phenomenon of "female" This shows efforts to prevent HIV in India, like South Africa, are confronted with the barriers to social and cultural.
According to statistics, the number of people infected with HIV in India has now surpassed 500 thousand, accounting for 0.5% of the population of this country. Report of the World Bank warned if India did not use condoms is a common way in 10 years the incidence of HIV will increase rapidly with speed of 300 thousand new people infected each year. The report also said, to 2033, HIV will become the cause of death leading to India.
If no remedial measures, predicts India will soon replace South Africa to become the country has more people infected with HIV in the world. Actual situation in the villages of Andhra region Dees in India are gradually expected to prove a reality.
A reporter was dispatched to Hyderabad, by Dan Wada village 100 miles south, and found 10 girls gathered in the temple of Goddess Jaaramaa. Among the girls, including 19 years with Xinagudi seem timid, wearing a blue sari and pretty face. She said that since 12 has decided to dedicate his life to the temple Jaaramaa. She said hesitantly: "The village children are respected. They asked them for their "practical", because they are women and children belonging to the Holy Goddess Jaaramaa. " She has also not sure at first fear. His father died young, sick mother, she had no other choice. She whispered: "Your mother with asthma, it is now very weak, certainly not be alive much longer. Maybe that's your fate. "

Wada village who knew Dan was St Xinagudi women should high-class men in the village and surrounding areas can provide money and food to find the door to her mother's permission and consent to make you love him of her daughter.
For your circumstances, is in intensive care Xinagudi thinking? She said of course she is tormented, but must accept the fact, because both families have to rely on her. She said: "Sometimes I ask why she let me do this? Why you can not have a normal marriage? But you can do anything, any man brave enough to take a person like me? ".
Traditionally, women still live with the Holy people as usual. Prior to the weakness of old age they will be transferred to serve in the temple. Then, like the cheeks wheat in Europe, the doyen of women would withdraw to behind the scenes and planning for the next generation of Church Women.
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South Korea the world HIV Day 21 th

HIV celebration of World No. 21 took place in Seoul on Monday (1 / 12).

With the theme "Overcoming prejudice and discrimination towards the world of symbiosis," event was organized to raise awareness about HIV prevention and support and enhance the community's concern for people infected HIV.
At the ceremony, representing the Government has awarded medals to those who actively participate in HIV prevention activities.
According to the Ministry of Welfare and family, there are about 60,000 HIV infected people in South Korea and this number is increasing by every year.
Since 1988, the UN has taken on 1 / 12 every year as World Day of HIV aims to improve human rights for people with HIV.
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